This year, as a Sophomore, I am taking Biology as one of my classes. On this blog, I will write about our adventures and mishaps, telling people what I've learned and posting our readings and my take on them.
First though, I should start with describing how our class will work. In each semester, we have a series of essential questions that need to be answered. This semester goes like this:
- What are field research techniques utilized by biologists?
- How are scientific findings communicated?
- What are the essential components of experimental design?
- How is data analyzed and interpreted?
- What is the importance of diversity?
- How does energy and matter flow through an ecosystem?
- How do biotic and abiotic factors interact within an ecosystem?
- How are species classified?
- How are traits inherited?
- What is the relationship between genetics and evolution?
- How have Hominids evolved over time?
- How have biotechnologies impacted our justice system?
- How is DNA processed to create a DNA fingerprint?